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udita samraj @uditasam

I am been feeling a bit sad for a while now. Most of my friends are busy, I have lots of work too but somehow I just feel lonely.
I feel conflicted because I want to make friends but at the same time I am too introverted to actually maintain a social life. It’s just that sometimes the loneliness gets to me. Other days I am fine. Just having a week where it has gotten to me.

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That’s what one introvert can relate to another while reading this one…
This actually happens when at all day you mingle a little with a left out feeling and at the end of day you find everyone busy and happy rather that yourself in a sad and melancholic mood


U can learn something ,and u can make friends with similar interest ❤️

udita samraj @uditasam

Yes id like to but don’t know where to start


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