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3am ThoughtsThought


I am.becoming a totally self love perdon. Means i don’t like attchments anymlre even not with my family members. I hte when they try to get emotional with me or show me their love. Its like i don’t any emotions from them.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shabana_saiyyed
7 replies

Can feel this!


how do you manage all this??


I can’t tbh I just avoid them most of the time doesn’t respond to them sometimes! Talk to them nicely whenever I need money or I’m rude or a dead person living with them most of the time


sameee i am ignoring themm.


Yep I hate em


Same brother!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shabana_saiyyed

Shabana S. @shabana_saiyye...

Ahh it’s a zone before becoming resilient
But it’s a lonely phase, having support makes it easier for you
Also when you are on this journey it’s for a temporary period, please don’t hurt others which is quite likely to happen
Later you will be having attachment and you will know how to detach in situations
Please take care


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