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3am ThoughtsThought


I am attracted to a guy at work and since the moment I met him, i feel that he has been attracted towards me as well, I feel that in a way he was attracted towards me first. We had spent quiet good time together but still around him, I am not sure what he feels. Now that we are close he sometimes gives attention and sometimes he just withdraws which I think I do understand but don’t know what to do?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nakedsoul
15 replies
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Wait or if you can make a move then do it but i suggest you wait


Well just wait for now and take your time & meanwhile just try to talk to him indirectly and then try to confess your feelings…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nakedsoul

Naked Soul @nakedsoul

Confront him. And keep it real and simple.


As both of you said to wait…i am doing that because I feel there’s no point in confessing. It won’t lead anywhere.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nakedsoul

Naked Soul @nakedsoul

It will lead you to clarity in life. Better than living in confusion and dilemma


That is true. It’s difficult not to be around him. I feel that he too seeks my company. How can I be sure if he’s interested? Can you tell me?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nakedsoul

Naked Soul @nakedsoul

You asking me to tell you if i am interested? Honestly currently as per my state i am ready to mingle with any girl but still i am unable to find anyy not even one. Now getting back to point… how can i know does he like you or not instead of overthinking meet him tomorrow or soon and let him know how you will and ask him what do he feel then he will to say what does he really feel for you. Only thinking complicates situation. Life is simple.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nakedsoul

Naked Soul @nakedsoul

If he says yes he is interested. Then take sometime to know a person and never trust words trust action their reflexs. Only by spending time we can know the true nature of someone.


No, I didn’t ask if you were interested…just your perspective on my situation. Thank you for inputs

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nakedsoul

Naked Soul @nakedsoul

Better if u ask him


If there are mixed signals then I would really suggest a caution.


Thanks and for sure!

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Yes. True. I have been doing that.


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