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I am an introvert person. I feel very anxious when I go out on public, I start feeling breathless. I have not been very good with people in my life. I have tried to make things better for me but it’s so difficult. I just finished college and there is a girl who loves me alot but for some reason I keep hurting and pushing her away, sometimes I feel I am not worthy of her love for me. I am trying to be a better man for her I just don’t want to hurt her anymore. Should I leave her and let her find her happiness?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lavenderhaze
7 replies

Lainey @laineyinpain

Did you tell her what u feel? I guess she will understand you, you both will feel not better if u push her away.


I didn’t, too scared to hurt her feelings

Lainey @laineyinpain

You’ll get her more pain if u didn’t open up yourself :( but it’s your choice but for me the better thing to do is to tell her. Don’t be sacred she loves u right? She will and she’ll try to understand u. A relationship must have a good communication to each other.

Lainey @laineyinpain

u know i know what exactly feel of being an introvert yes it’s really hard to adjust but we must step up, and show ourselves and leave the fear.


You’re very kind. I will definitely try to express myself to her. Thank you so much


If you love her, you have to say it. She loves you so it means she will be happy if she’s with you. If you leave her, you will only break her heart. You just need to overcome your shyness.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lavenderhaze

. @lavenderhaze

Yeah, cause once you start hurting someone you can’t get back to not hurt them, like granted and all comes in way even if we don’t want to we hurt. But this doesn’t mean leave that person just give them the space to feel comfortable and happy with your presence and not obnoxious and nervous and def not anxious.


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