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I am a early 30’s year old divorced mom of 4 . My divorce has been over for 3 years and I finally started feeling like trying dating again . I met this amazing guy and we’ve been dating for 6 months now . Well he called me one day last week after I invited him to meet me for dinner (he hasn’t met my kids yet ) and told me he has a confession to make . He has cold sores and is having them on his lips . I said okay well we can postpone just feel better , but then I got to thinking… does he have herpes ? I was tested just before I started dating again and I did not have it. The following weekend we had planned on doing a hiking trip. I met with him and we had an amazing weekend so I decided to talk to him in the car on the way home . I asked him if he had ever been tested for herpes . He said he knows he has it because he got it when he was 20 years old . So this man has had herpes 1 for 20 years and never told me during our relationship. I told him I accept him and I do , but I think after as much as we’ve been kissing odds are I probably have it now too. He said he didn’t want me to get it so he hasn’t been kissing me during his outbreaks but what are the statistics of a man transferring HSV-1 to a woman when he’s not having an outbreak? I am having mixed emotions . I wish he would’ve just talked to me about it to begin with. I feel like he kind of hid it from me . That makes me feel bad that he couldn’t tell me the truth to begin with . Also, he and I are sexual and he does go down on me quite often . Does that mean I can get HSV-1 genitally as well? My worry is I still have wounds from past relationships and I worry he will leave me and I will be left to navigate dating with HSV which is not easy. I joined a herpes support group on Facebook. I am also getting tested again this week . But even if I don’t have it now I know the longer we stay together the more inevitable it will become . I don’t know how to feel about it honestly.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker
14 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker

Akash Dalal @skybroker

This was bad I hope everything turnout to be better in coming days. 🫰


Thank you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker

Akash Dalal @skybroker

No worries. If there is anything eles do tell us we are here to hear you out.


Herpes meaning?

crissandra @flossboss88

herpes is a herpes simplex Virus . Very contagious. It creates sores on the lips and they ooze and bleed sometimes for a few days sometimes for a few weeks . It is a viral infection. I love in the US and there is a big stigma about it here .

crissandra @flossboss88



Oh thanks 👍

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This is true . But HSV is not life threatening. It doesn’t shorten the lifespan . If I did test positive for it I wouldn’t be able to share drinks or kiss my kids anymore . Just on the cheek . But I could still work and provide for them

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Leave him. I don’t know why are you worried about all that.
He’s got herpes. Plain and simple. How awesome he has to be for you to overlook this …

I mean, if I was your friend, and I go like…hey, date him. He’s got herpes. Would you be exhilarated, thank me endlessly and make me your maid of honour.
Nahi na.
Choose your partner as good as you would expect your friends and family to choose for you.


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