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I am a depressed person. But as now I am seeing the world now. I see everyone is so grown up now a days, even younger people than me are doing good, atleast better than me. And I am just there and everyone is moving on. And gone do far away. I can’t see I can stand with anyone in society or my classmates, cousins etc. I am just left behind. Still there where I was before lockdown or even worse. I find myself as a failure. Tho nobody say this, but I see in people’s eyes they feel disappointed I didn’t grew. I am not smart but dum* and innocent. Life is trash for me. I have nothing. It hurts me. It pains

Profile picture for Now&Me member @valkyrii
6 replies

Hey ! One thing you should know is that life is not a competition, we are not competing against people to secure a position on this planet earth. Life is to live ! Take your time in figuring out what you gonna do in life. And please stay away from those you break you or make you feel worthless. You are here for a reason. And you are important ! I can understand the depression part . But I’m sure everything will get better .


Thanks. Means a lot

Tony Stark @heypizza

Hey hey hey
It’s okay
Don’t worry so much, i know it’s hard not to worry but it’s gonna be okay. Try not to compre yourself to others hmm?
Darling if you feel like , you are being left out by people, maybe you should try to take some time to maybe see how you can be happy or at peace by yourself? Do something that you love okay? No comparisons
Who cares if that kid is better, i believe in you


I will try. Thank you:)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @valkyrii

Don’t be depressed its just a phase tbh , go find something you like doing and focus on that .




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