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Mental WellbeingThought


I am a 28-year-old female, single. Off late, there is so much pressure on me to get married, and I haven’t found the right person yet. Tried and tired with all matrimonial and dating apps .How to remain positive that someday I will meet the love of my life and have a “happily ever after” scene in life.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nance_agrwll
Profile picture for Now&Me member @aakash_itis
Profile picture for Now&Me member @thegentleguide
28 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nance_agrwll

Nance A. @nance_agrwll

Hi, I understand
How you feel. You set you goals and prioritise it. So that you feel engaged and you have hunger to achieve things

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Thank you for your kind words :)

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Aakash @aakash_itis

What are the qualities you are searching for that you aren’t getting your man ??


In dating apps, most of them whom I interacted are looking for hookups whereas in matrimonial sites I find all conservative guys…that’s the irony


Omg, same here. Am 27 and am feeling same. Have used all still not able to find the right person.

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Please don’t rush finding someone wrong. You’re still young, I hope you don’t “just” find a guy to marry. I hope you find “the guy”. I’m pretty sure you bring much to the table and I hope your partner does too not just financially(if he’s financially well off) but also respects you, never hurts you, never makes you feel inferior, and never make fun of you especially in public. And you’ll find that guy if you take your sweet time. Let him know your worth, and let yourself know what type of guy you need. Don’t just settle. There are plenty of guys, only if you’re willing to give everyone an equal chance🤗


Thank you for your great words of affirmation…this helps :)


I could only hope so. I am looking forward to, you writing here “I found the guy, he’s amazing and loves me, respects me, trusts me”. But don’t forget your this friend🤣🤗


Haha sure…hopefully 🤞


Its okay. I know how much feeling lonely hurts, more than being lonely. If you see it this way you’re just 28. 28 is not old at all. If you rush things, you might end up in a broken marriage(I genuinely hope you don’t). This is coming from 21 Y/O guy, 28 is not at all old if you feel you’re running out of time, you are not. Its totally fine to take your time. Its better to marry late than marrying wrong. I hope you’re not thinking about this way too much. I know the peer pressure, the societal pressure makes you want to just find a guy settle down, have a family but trust me if he turns out to be something you didn’t expect you’ll regret why you had to rush things. Take your time is all I can say. People will always have all sorts of things to say. If you marry young, why did you marry at such an age it was time to build your career. If you marry late, they’ll say you are the last resort for the guys. If you don’t marry at all they’ll still say, when you had time why didn’t you. Marrying, not marrying is always a choice please remember. Don’t ruin yourself, for someone else. Holding onto yourself is the best thing you cpuld do right now. I believe, if the time is right and the person is right even if he’s older/younger than, you two will just click and you’ll know it


This is exactly what I say to my parents and still they advices from them never stops…they say that is not a movie that you must definetly have a happy ending…make your mind ready for a mediocre personal life etc etc, everything in life can’t be perfect


Social media adds up to that too. I know how pressured women are after 25 to get married, settle down. But so many things change after for a woman after marriage. You might see videos where guys say woman’s worth reduces with time, too many derogatory things are said about them. Talking about their biological cycle. Nobody chases you after 30. I personally think that is not true. A woman’s worth is much more than what people actually presume it to be but they fail to realise it. Can I ask you something are you afraid to end up alone or you’re okay even if you don’t end up marrying? And how did this question made you feel, did it scare you the word alone?


So true… social media posts adds fuel to the fire…and coming to your question I cannot imagine a living a lonely life I need I would need a companion anyday…


It is important for you to find a high value man for yourself. Don’t let things influence your decision about that. Yeah sure you might have to sacrifice some of your ideal guy expectations but settling is something you might not want to do. I want to talk something about reality(guy’s pov) but at the same time I don’t want you to panic. I cannot stress this enough that you’re young, don’t let anyone make you think otherwise that you’re running out of time, YOU ARE NOT.


Thank you so so much 💗




Just don’t rush for the things if you will rush then you will miss judge the person and choose wrong one so just relax

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Very true…

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @thegentleguide

Raza Khan @thegentleguide

Great things take time, be patient. I’m a 25 year old guy too and I love being on my own. I don’t chase love anymore but I understand, it’s important for humans to have someone of their own and to get married.
You can use filters on dating apps or matrimonials and meet guys physically if comfortable.
Or just ask your relatives if they have someone in their circle.


On the process of doing all the things listed above, hope something clicks :)


Don’t hope. Make it happen.


Haha sure 🤘


Mitr aapko jaisa partner chahiye waisa aapko mil raha hai kahi jaha ap dhundh rahi ho


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