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3am ThoughtsThought


I am 25 and I have never had any relationship in my life. I am not really close to my parents and siblings but I am very emotional. I can’t really share my thoughts with anyone, even best of friends. Since childhood, I always thought I would find someone special with whom I will connect on a deep emotional level but it hasn’t happened and now I think it might never will. When I tell my friends about this, they just say, be grateful for what you have. The thing is I don’t have what I want the most, attachments, someone to lean upon when things are not going my way. Am I wrong in believing so?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sahil98
19 replies





Dude …patience is the key …you ll be having your great time with a great person as well 🔥
Don’t lose hope and Patience 🔥



Profile picture for Now&Me member @sahil98

Sahil @sahil98

Atleast first us you are he or she then maybe you will find someone here

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No… You are not wrong in beleiving so… I’ve had relationships in the past… Toxic ones mostly… I know how you feel… I feel the same … Even I’m highly emotional and sensitive… My feelings are also most of the times misunderstood or not understood at all… But someone once told me… That being emotional and sensitive can be your biggest asset and your biggest blessing … you can feel and communicate people on such deep level and understand them at such a level which normal people can only think of soing… And even if you don’t have someone in your life to depend upon… it is not something which is missing from your life… Yes there maybe times when you would need a shoulder to cry upon… A listening ear… But that’s just the icing in the cake…

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Hey thanks for this.


No, you are not wrong in believing so, but you are wrong when you say it will never happen. How many times have tried connecting with a person of another gender? If you don’t try, you don’t get it. And for someone to connect with you at an emotional level, it takes time, sometimes years.


It’s not that I have not tried. Maybe not like a hundred times. The problem is that when I start liking someone, they fall for someone else before I do anything. This has happened atleast 5 times. Sometimes I feel like the universe is conspiring against me.😇


If it has happened 5 times, Maybe you’re doing something wrong. Maybe you need to change a bit. No offense. Maybe you were right all 5 times, but still, you have control of yourself only. Maybe it’s time to do things differently.


What can I do differently? Like the moment I know I am into someone and should go for it, they find someone else. I have barely thought about it and it goes haywire before I can do anything. So I don’t know what should I do.


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