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Profile picture for Now&Me member @shasha26

Shadow Hunter @shasha26

I am 22 years old and I have never had male friends before. I finished high school in an all-girls school, during my college years there weren’t any guys lol almost everyone that studied my career were girls and the couple of guys that were in my classes were gay.

Now that I am working, at first, I found it a bit difficult to be around so many men but everyone in my job is super extremely nice so I think I am getting used to it. The problem is that I think that I like one of my close colleagues. I really hate this feeling since I know that relationships between working partners do not end well and additionally I know that he would never feel the same way towards me xd. But I love the way he looks at me and he is always smiling and making everyone around him laugh, which I find very attractive.

Many of our friends think that we are more than friends and are constantly asking questions and saying how cute we would look together. I can just imagine how uncomfortable he might feel. I really wish I didn’t feel the way I do about him because I want to keep a great friendship! Or maybe I am just confused since I have never liked anyone before in all of these years. I just wanted to share it with someone, since I find it difficult to tell anyone about my feelings

Anyway, thanks for reading :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreya0208
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreya0208

Black widow @shreya0208

Look I know it must be difficult for you since you had a very few male interaction in your life, I would say if you are sure you like me…give it a try…give him hints or maybe if you guys are close and he is not a jerk, just ask him out and then see the reaction…who knows you guys end up dating. Life is very short to not be with someone you want to, so give it a try and don’t hesitate.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreya0208

Black widow @shreya0208



It must be hard for you but for me, you should ask him if he wanna keep be friend or more. It’s just y thoughts sorry if I’m false


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