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I am 19 years old and I have never been in a relationship. The people that I have around me have either been in one or are in one and now that I am in college, this is starting to make me a little insecure about myself and I do not want to seem desperate by talking about this again and again, I feel that me not being with literally anyone, at this age is not normal. I know people would say that you should be happy alone and you do not need anyone for yourself and I’ll agree, I know I don’t but I feel sometimes it’s good to have someone from the opposite gender in your life to support you. It’s just that, everyone around me has atleast knows how that is because they have experienced this feeling atleast once in there life and I want to experience this too because at this point this is getting to me and I really feel that I want to have someone like that in my life.

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I am 20 , i have never been in a relationship till my graduation , in my grad we were a group of 10 friends , mostly girls , but out of all i used to be close with one girl that doesnt mean that i am in a relationship with her but she was my first girl bestie in my life but everyone started to act weirdly , i tried to say that she is not my gf she is more like a bff with whom i feel free to share every moment , but all the remaining friends made a scene , by spreading false rumours about my relation with her , i tried to convince her , in the beginning she understood me and stood for me as the things gone worse she left me and after few months i fell in love with one of my grad frnd ,after my graduation, i was true to her in every minute , i never lied to her , i never wanted to betray her and i even spoke to my mother and her mother regarding our relation and interest to proceed for marriage later on ,. She always wanted to keep our relation secret , and asked me not to reveal this to anyone , i agreed but i didnt understand for what reason,
After 5…6 months , she started treating me like a fool , she has taken me granted , she never shares anything with me but she expects me to share everything , if i forgot to tell just one thing to her in day , she would start a quarrel , and after all those days , one day i decided to break up with her as there is no meaning to our relationship , she was never in a relation with me , i am the one who wasted my time , she will talk to me if she feels bored or more like a time pass thing , i broke up witj her , in the beginning i used to feelvery guilty because i felt like i was betraying her ,because i promised to stay with her for life and marry her etc… But after few days i found out that she is happy even without me , and from that moment i never felt guilty,
Now i am living alone ,
Yes i do have some frnds to talk to or to hang out but they all are not so close to me , they will talk to me if there they want a favour from me thats it so i didnt want to share my feelings with them , i chose to be alone , doing my MBA through corresspondence , and LLB in Regular mode , enjoying the household chores with a bit of music sense ,

Now i am happy , but sometimes especially night times i feel alone and i feel like i want to have a relation ,. And then overthinking starts and i will fall asleep , next day in the morning everything will be fine

And today i got to know about this wonderful platform to share feelings and from today i will never be alone

So just involve yourself in some work and you will never feel bad because you will not have time to sit and overthink to make your mood sad


Everything comes with time and obviously with cost. You can work on yourself in meantime like building confidence or speaking skills that may improve your social life. Same happened with me during school and college days I was kind of tanned guy with weird dressing sense and hard on money. But I worked on things and started doing job after college now I can say I get fair amount of attention everywhere I go. You are as handsome as you feel.

PS: Relationship could be difficult if you match with wrong person.


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