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Honey Singh @patel

i am 15 years old boy my mother and my mother brother died in a car accident. So i dont have a mother from 6 months. I am in a lonely state without mother and my father leaves me at home and goes for job i home alone so i always think to have mother and cry. In that thought i contacted my mothers brother wife as her husband died in accident. i contacted my mothers brother wife and asked to marry my father and become my mother and also told my father to marry her. my mothers brother wife fired on me and said what rubbish are you talking but i want a mother so in that emotion i asked her about this. i want my father to marry my mothers brothers wife my father is ready but my mother brothers wife is not ready instead she shouted on me i need a mother. i want my mothers brothers wife as my mother as her husband also in accident. what should i do guys i want solution. i am struggling from last 6 months.

3 replies

It’s very hard phase.Dont worry, everything will be proper.May be your aunt doesn’t want to marry your dad due to personal reasons,we cannot force anyone.All you want is a person who supports you and understands you.Ask your dad to marry anyone you think would be a good mother.If that doesn’t work out try having some good friends so that you can open up your feelings to someone.

Honey Singh @patel


ok thankyou for your solution bro


So sorry for your loss, but you can’t force someone. Also you can talk to her if you feel lonely, I see a stronger connection there. Also give yourself some time, and try to spend time with your father more talk to him. You will be at peace, just don’t rush yourself. Hugs.


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