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mh1215 @mh1215

I always see posts about love and here I am making one haha.
There is a girl. I made her my girlfriend a week ago. She is lovely, great personality, beautiful, matches up with me very well.
I have a past that includes emotional and sexual abuse within a relationship. For this reason I find relationships very difficult to enter into. I want to communicate to her that I really want to take things slowly, especially sexually, e.g., none of this “couldn’t live without you” stuff, as it really upsets me. I’m not sure how to go about doing this, any ideas?
I also have anxiety. This means I am often doubting whether I actually like her, where this is going, if its the right choice, if I will hurt her, if she is as good as I think she is. I really, really, really don’t want this to get in the way of things with her. I don’t know how to control these thoughts, does doubt mean that I don’t really like her? Need advice.
I just want to be more carefree. I worry so much. I just want things to be chill with her, I don’t want her to be upset with anything I do, I don’t want either of us to get hurt. Any advice appreciated. thanks.

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