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Profile picture for Now&Me member @14lovinglyam

Anisha @14lovinglyam

I always had a hard time making friends. That makes me wonder if I’m boring. I try to pacify myself thinking I’m just an introvert. And to overcome that I sometimes pretend to get over excited when I see someone I like. But doesn’t make a difference really.
And now that I’m far far away from home, in a city that sucks the life out of me, it is just so hard to go on without friends. It’s like I’m living the same day in a loop. 😔😔😔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyush9
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shahrukh_pulok
Profile picture for Now&Me member @vermaprikriti
Profile picture for Now&Me member @14lovinglyam
19 replies
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @14lovinglyam

Anisha @14lovinglyam

I’ll surely do!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyush9

Piyush Kumar @piyush9

You can always make new friends. Try a bit.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @14lovinglyam

Anisha @14lovinglyam

See that’s the thing about being an introvert. You just don’t know how to start a conversation or keep the other person interested.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyush9

Piyush Kumar @piyush9

The problem may be that you’ve already labelled your mind as Introvert. Sometimes, overthinking a problem is actually a bigger problem than the problem itself. And I’m sorry, but being Introvert isn’t something that’s stopping you from anything. Just take the next step. Don’t overthink. Because the world actually is out of your comfort zone, What lies inside your comfort zone is your fear and insecurities. You may fail initially, but to fight your demons ultimately.

And when you cross 25-28 years, you’ll know that friends would eventually leave you. They’ll be jealous of you and trying to defeat you in the race of life.

It’s actually your enemies who’ll help you find your weaknesses and unknowingly they’ll turn you into a better human.


Some people just vibe with us.
You dont need to something to make them interested.
Till then focus on becoming the better version of yourself.
And discover yourself

Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyush9

Piyush Kumar @piyush9

Exactly. When you are dependent on others, seeking acknowledge, seeking attention, things will always be out of your control. DO WHAT’S IN YOUR CONTROL, SIMPLY IGNORE/LEAVE WHAT YOU CAN’T CONTROL. EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @14lovinglyam

Anisha @14lovinglyam

Already on that journey!


That is awesome❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @14lovinglyam

Anisha @14lovinglyam

It’s not about seeking validation really. Being alone practically all the time, leaves you kinda exhausted. There are some experiences that you want to share, that is the whole point of having friends. I have had very limited but real friends all my life. And now wondering what to do over the weekends makes me feel utterly bored and leaves me feeling like there’s a void. Away from family and friends is not an easy thing really. And vining with people after a certain age just keeps getting tougher.


Join weekly classes which interests you.
Collobrate with different organisations and NGO and spend your time there.
Trust me you will be very happy

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shahrukh_pulok

Shahrukh Pulok @shahrukh_p...

Sometimes these kinds of phases will come. Focus on ur talents and Do what u like. U can only be the protagonist of ur life and ur own story. As of friends. Dare to leap and make new friends. A lil effort will make all the difference.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @14lovinglyam

Anisha @14lovinglyam

I agree. And I am already doing the first bit. Thanks!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vermaprikriti

Prakriti @vermaprikriti

I am an introvert and we just can’t I know. We feel lonely but that urge to be with ourselves doesn’t stop. I can feel you very well because I’m on the same boat. You can talk to me anytime buddy :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @14lovinglyam

Anisha @14lovinglyam

Thank you so much. I’m so glad you understand. Connect with me maybe?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vermaprikriti

Prakriti @vermaprikriti

Sure I would really like to :)

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