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Profile picture for Now&Me member @garv8604

Garv Jindal @garv8604

Huhhh… its been such a tough week. Giving offline exams and getting a satisfactory result at the end then regretting why didn’t i study enough.
I just feel like saying this today.
I hate this feeling of regret and I do not want to go through this again. I know I need to work hard now.
I hope someone understands what I’m saying 🥺

Profile picture for Now&Me member @garv8604
5 replies

Yea I can .Every night I think that from tomorrow morning I ll study hard keep everything on time , but in the morning same routine of laziness begins…
But I know earlier the routine will change, it has to, I don’t want to regret later. Regreting is the worst feeling on ourselves

Profile picture for Now&Me member @garv8604

Garv Jindal @garv8604

So emotional so see that someone else understands me🥺
Hope we both get through this

Profile picture for Now&Me member @garv8604

Garv Jindal @garv8604

Thank you so much for the kind words🥺🌟


😊 how is studies going slowly u begin… it ll gear up later but U HAVE TO begin


offline and online school is shitty atm, I’m doing it too! tough weeks are part of life but a big pain in the ass. maybe try to focus on one subject at a time? studying little and often, and getting a grade you’re happier with! you could either do this for one exam/subject or multiple, depending on how motivated you’re feeling. I struggle with the same thing of being smart but lazy? but the important bit of that sentence if you’re smart! you can achieve a lot and I believe in you! I hope things start looking up


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