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How you overcome from something that hurted you alotttt, though another person said sorry. Help me!

20 replies

Weighing on what is more important…is that the feeling of being hurt or your relationship with the other person…what you need to let go is that matters the person or that bad memory…

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That person was the most important person of my life but the things he said or did, i just wasn’t able to forget it


You know what if someone keeps hurting you… It’s now a habit…and only if the person himself/herself can change to be a better person.

You can’t and shouldn’t keep waiting…love yourself enough to realise it’s more harm being the one who has yo suffer…if they ever wanna change they can come around and it’s totally up to you to give a chance…


This is the meaning of life
Letting go is as much important as falling in love.
If the person’s action hurt you seriously…give yourself some me time to think about what they had done in your life or what could they do in the future…this could both be positive or negative.
So my recommendation is to give a 2nd thought to it rest all depends on you.


Understood. Thanks


What if this happens frequently?


I mean i want to be with that person but i dont want to get hurt like that and deep down i know that he can never do anything right by me

Anony Mouse @zapadoz

You need another group a change of pace a change of things to get over it I realized late in life you can try it too . I know change would be difficult due to past experiences but just have faith in yourself and give it a try.


Means to overcome it i have to leave that person and dustract myself towardssomething else?

Anony Mouse @zapadoz

If it hurts to be with them then surely yes


Okay but thats the issue neither i was able to walk away nor able to forgive

Anony Mouse @zapadoz

Was the deed really that you are not able to forgive ?


I dont know how to judge, i just know that i was reallly hurt, i was in pain

Anony Mouse @zapadoz

Do you think the other person could repeat this again ?



Anony Mouse @zapadoz

Then surely you should leave no point in giving anxiety attacks to yourself


We did said our goodbye few days back but these anxiety wont stop

Anony Mouse @zapadoz

Yeah it takes time try making goals and start working to achieve them it will help u take ur mind off.




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