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Ankita @ankitac18

How you guys deal with anxiety related to bad past experiences ?

23 replies

Bad past experiences like what ?

Ankita @ankitac18

Bad job and relationship experience.


Did you leave that bad job and have you broken up with your partner ?

Ankita @ankitac18

Yes. My ex is playing victim card in front of every one (after he cheated on me). And left the job last year. But my ex boss is an asshole. He keeps calling me till today for no reason. Though I’ve blocked him everywhere. Also, I don’t answer office landline number too.


Im sorry to hear that. Well you did the right thing blocking the boss.
Honestly people wont care too much in the long run. You start doing it from now. How ? If you’re doing better at this job and in your next relationship, you will forget your bad ones. Give yourself chance and time to do better, focus there . Wish you all the best :)

Ankita @ankitac18

Yes. Just thinking about myself now.
Thank you so much for your support :) means a lot.



Lavi @pallavi17

By moving on and accepting the fact that you can’t change it so better work on your future so that it doesn’t be like your past.

Ankita @ankitac18

True. But the feeling when anxiety kicks in is real.

Lavi @pallavi17

I totally agree. But The way which I told won’t happen overnight. It will take years. Saying it because I’ve been there.

Ankita @ankitac18

Ohhh!! Thanks. And I hope you’re doing great now. :)

Lavi @pallavi17

Yes! I’m better now. :)


By moving on


Keep busy in work

Ankita @ankitac18

On it :) also, I started reading books.


Am also started reading


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