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β€ΊEmotional Abuseβ€ΊThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @toxichousehold2

πŸ§ΈπŸŽ€ @toxichousehold2

How was my day? so this morning as usual I was waiting for my sister (cousin as my mom adopted her) and we were always late, SHE is always late and I don’t really like to be late, I’m punctual but not her and our grandma woke up and it wasn’t because of me, so before leaving she blamed me for waking her up and because she bothered her I’ve got blamed for telling her that I was waiting for her even though I was late and I knew that I’ll have to run to not miss the bus as usual, I didn’t even said anything at this point and despite I’ve waited for her she was mad and left me behind, I feel so dumb now.

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