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How to stop Overthinking.
It’s really killing me inside and out with all the unwanted thoughts. My mind is going to the extremities of negative thinking and anxiety with even the smallest of situations which actually need less to no attention at all. I do know it’s really a silly matter to think about it with all my energy. But still my mind is roaming around the situations and creating all the unwanted stuff. I don’t want to do that, but still I can’t help myself falling in that loop again and again. I’m fed up with my overthinking. I’m afraid now that am I becoming mentally sick??
I just want to stop it and start being normal. I really do want to be normal again

Profile picture for Now&Me member @matureguy38
6 replies

Sadwik Sūññy @sadwiksunny

Go out for a while.


I tried 🙂

Sadwik Sūññy @sadwiksunny

What an excuse 💥


Keep yourself busy, havent you heard an empty mind is a devils workshop, there is so much you can do instead sitting idly and thinking negative thoughts, its in your hand to change your life, nobody can do it for you, so move your a#$ and do some work or hobby or literally anything…ther is so much you can do, you just have to be willing


I will try my best 💯❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @matureguy38

mukadar @matureguy38

Just try meditation. Little bit of silence will do a lot to calm u down…


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