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How to not love again ? …Because loving has always been a weakness in my case 😔 …Loved a girl once , lost her from this world … And then when I pulled myself back again and was open for love again , I ended up with a toxic girl…So how to make my heart not pound for someone again

6 replies

Vishal Kumar @vishalkumar9

My question was how

rahul sharma @rahulrahul

its not abt not falling again. its abt choosing the r8 one next time.


If you believe in spirituality, then I will give a little advise… You know, I also have the same problem… But then I learnt that. The more you chase after finding a love for you, the more you create lack of love inside yourself. This lack of love manifests in the outside. Meaning that, the more you chase love, the more you loose “self love”… And you keep attracting toxic relationship… Instead stop chasing love. Love is abundant in this universe. Realise true love within your being and act on it. Love will chase you ❤❤❤❤ and change your belief systems. Always beloeve " I deserve all love in the world now and forever"… Because healthy believd systems manifest in reality…


And also yes for this part “how to not make my heart not pound for someone again”… Take deep breath. You have a heart full of emotions. Very few precious souls have it. Don’t try to escape from your emotions. Feel it. It is so necessary. Your heart is telling you there is somebody special for you that you need to invite in your life… So acknowledge it. Don’t stop this beautiful feeling. It will instead numb you out. Just see more vibrant dreams this time. See you are already with this perfect person of your dreams. Have faith. Don’t chase. love your own soul whole heartedly. And the person will arrive in the right place right time.


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