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how to let go?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ignoramus
7 replies

Stop thinking about the thing … first thing to let it go …

Could help you more if you can open up more)??


Like this πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ


Keep busy yourself in something
Don’t be alone spend time with ur friends and family

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ignoramus

Since β€œBreakup” is your tag of choice for this question, I’ll reply accordingly. This breakup is a story in your head. The concept of a relationship that has ended and which was once pristine is an illusive story. This doesn’t exist in reality. It’s fictitious. The good news is that it can be easy to deal with this.

First, hold this story in your mind and let the feelings associated with it come up in your awareness. Then allow yourself to have a feeling without resistance, venting, fearing, condemning, or moralizing.

Do not try to control it, modify or resist it. Remember this saying: Whatever you resist persists.

When you begin this process, it’s normal to start having feelings of guilt and fear of the main feelings themselves. First, Let go of this fear and guilt, and then let go of the main feelings themselves.

Lovingly disidentify with all the thoughts which come out of the feelings. Only focus on the feelings (sensations). Thoughts are non-stop and they give rise to more thoughts. Thoughts are an expression and a rationalization of the feelings in your present experience. They are trying to explain why you are having the feelings.

Our feelings are there because of the stored energy behind feelings which forces them to come up whenever a situation related to it triggers us. Be thankful for this golden opportunity because it helps us make peace with our unconscious feelings. Feelings repressed for a long time manifest as diseases and the undesired situation in our life situations. Feelings are programs we accumulate over a long period since our ancestors to the first bacteria. When you fully surrender to a feeling, it disappears from your awareness.

Ps. It helps to focus on your breathing and to relax the body while letting go. Also, a one-pointed mind makes it easy to focus. Meditating is useful to improve this one-pointedness of the mind. Be kind to yourself whenever you are letting go and have low expectations while doing so.

Does this make sense? Have a great day :)


Thank you so much for the concern.
I think now I’m much relieved :)


Hope you are good too

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ignoramus

You’re welcome. I feel joyful now that you are feeling much better.
I am doing alright. Thanks for asking that :)
I wish you practice what we discussed regularly, especially in times of suffering. It can be done anywhere, anytime even in the midst of a war or in times of enjoyment.
Let me know if there is anything you’d like to discuss.

Have a good one :)


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