Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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How to know you’re depressed? This happened to me in 2019 when I would just be unable to stop crying or stop my spiralling thoughts. Only one or two things were happening in my life but I don’t even know how those spirals would become so big and so full of every aspect of my life. Sometimes I didn’t even know what was making me sad.
I experienced something of similar sort yesterday when I was in a shitty mood and then even started crying and could not stop. I was crying thinking about why I was crying. There was no apparent reason.

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I often feel this too… it happen with me too… I don’t know why. I have never acknowledge my depression but I know it in my bones. And its been there from a very long time. So whenever I start crying for no reason… I make sure, that I cry out completely… after that I feel good… maybe its a need of our body. To cry out the bad thoughts, things, situations, feelings, everything. And also to comeback with more energy.


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