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How to keep up with long distance relationship, on chatting,

2 replies

It won’t. Nothing can. All the best


It can
1.) Fix time for conversation
reason : you both will feel excited everytime you talk as you will have fix time to talk and you both will try your best to be available at that time and if that , somehow,will not be possible one can inform other too so that they won’t wait for you. When you both respect each other’s time that is where you begin the journey with mutual respect.

2.) Don’t ask for his/her social accounts passwords.
Reason : If you ask them about passwords of social platform you are showing that you have trust issues and even if you do get password your insecurity will not end as you will check her/his profile , DM 's which is not good in any sense as anyone can message them and that will creare unnecessary stres to you . Above all this we all loves privacy in some matters so why would anyone feel happy when you don’t provide them their freedom.

3.) Ask them about their day
Reason : Though it’s a simple question but people do like it when someone ask them about their day. They feel this person genuinely cares about what happens in my life. And don’t just ask for sake of asking , try to sympathise with them if they had a bad day and try to make them feel good just by telling something funny happened today with you or it can be imaginery, the motive should be of comforting them.

4.) Play games
It’s quite obvious that after sometime conversation will become monotonous so try some stuffs life video games (if she/he likes it) , any game like truth and after and others , you might consider me a child but as you both live far from each other this is the way keep the excitement level and protecting the relationship from becoming monotonous. online board games , though this generally not liked by people, but if you both are truly want to maintain a healthy relationship it’s is kinda fun activity.

5.) Tell them about your future aspirations.

And other like understand that your partner is not perfect , he/she will have some imperfections, analyse it well.
Having trust is the foundation of any relationship so keep that foundation strong.

Well there are other things too but that you will eventually find by yourself, how to maintain that relationship.


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