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How to get over someone?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyakaurbajaj
6 replies

Can you tell me what’s wrong buddy?


Is it true that If someone has found new friends he or she will no longer be with u or it’s just nee overthinking??

Sanket @sanket

Why do you want to get over? Normalize the things, sort it out perhaps?


That’s true actually

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

There are 2 things to it.
- If you feel that someone isn’t right for you or is getting negative for you as an individual, accept it and say that I can have better people around me and that’s a smart decision than being in contact with negative vibes people.
- Communicate with the person first and sort things than just assuming something and trying to be over it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyakaurbajaj

Piya @piyakaurbajaj

Hey, there is no perfect way or like checklist on what we should do to move on from someone. I believe in taking time to grieve and focusing on self love after that and making you the priority in your life.
I hope this helps!!!


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