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How to forget someone you love?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hareetn
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @hareetn

Hareet Narhan @hareetn

Instead of forgetting try and view it as a life experience. Why do you want to forget?


I’ve loved him for so long he was my first love but at the end he left me for someone else. Sometimes i think forgetting him is impossible, but i’m still hoping that one day i’ll forget him and love someone else.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hareetn

Hareet Narhan @hareetn

Listen love, I’ve went through something similar, you’ve got to keep reminding yourself that when a guy leaves you for another, he wasn’t deserving of you because he was lucky as hell to be able to even talk to you. You deserve someone who will treat you like a queen and nothing less, you will be the first choice.

Forgetting is always hard but take a look at that relationship and note the positives and negatives from it, the positives you carry with you, the negatives allow to you see why you deserve better.


Thank you so much for these amazing words. I really appreciate it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hareetn

Hareet Narhan @hareetn

Absolutely! Always here if you need any help getting through this phase!


Same here, only think about bad things he did , meditation helps, being busy all the time .


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