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How to fight anxiety disorder? I tried to encounter my anxiety by engaging a lot of program, but i think it cause me become worsen. I’m scared, every second I’m scared, I always disappointed with myself, I also did wrong even thought i know its wrong because I’m too scared. I cause troubled because I’m too scared. I can’t make friend because I’m socially awkward and scared. My only friend didn’t understand and once said “why you scared, i dont understand” and its hurt my feeling because she said she didn’t understand while shes been friend with me for more than 5 years. She’s the opposite of me, so whenever she tells something, sometimes i just felt she accidentally makes me overthink.

4 replies

engaged in too many things cause more anxiety… try to calm urself nd just manifest in ur own way that ur gonna overcome things… whether it is small or big… making a change matters buddy… and when it comes to ur friend… no one knows how ur feeling… so telling them all the time may lead to that kinda thoughts… dont take it to heart… try to enjoy ur self company than relying on others… hope u understand:)


Yeah, I have thought that is it me who pushing too hard on myself? I decided to take a rest from all the committment and want to focus only my studies and mental health. Thank you so much. It helps me a lot.

aayu gupta @aayugupta10

i need to talk…but i dont know how to msg peesonally in this app


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