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how to deal with anxiety attacks. I juts get too anxious for say when i have to present something, or professor randomly asks question to me, even though i know the answer i just become blank because i just feel too anxious that i have to answer in front of so many students. And that takes to my another problem of overthinking, I overthink a lot even about a small thing, and just stays in my head unless i have got a solution for that thing or that thing has just passed. This overthinking has taken so many opportunities from me, just because i already made that picture in my mind whats gonna happen even though its not true.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreya0208
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreya0208

Black widow @shreya0208

Well that’s not anxiety attack my friend… there’s a friend of mine…he gets anxiety attacks and that is so fucked up!..what you have is anxiety issues… there is a lot of difference it could be because of low self esteem…so try to do something which makes you confident in life.


umm yaa see again maybe i am overthinking about this too. might be

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreya0208

Black widow @shreya0208



Everyone feels the same but at different degrees. I’m a public speaker and I’ve been addressing crowds since a long time but I still get so anxious when I’m asked to speak! This can definitely be something that can be fixed. No one’s blaming you for feeling this way, its human nature after all! Why dont you google or youtube videos on how to get rid of stage fright or build confidence? I hope it helps :)


yeahh thanks a lot!!


Anytimeee :)


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