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Profile picture for Now&Me member @wewillsee

regina falange @wewillsee

How to cope with grief? Please please help
I’m loosing my mind

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wewillsee
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Ok, something I do when I’m filled with grief is listen to peaceful music. Since I’m a catholic I tend to go back to church music. I search for something to tell me that my pain is a part of a plan.

So because I don’t know if you’re religious or not, that may or may not apply but I will try to tell you something that may help.

Whatever pain that you are going through, someone else has gone through. That doesn’t make your pain any less important. I just want you to know that what you are going through will shape you. It will be tough, it will be painful. But should you endure, you will become stronger because of it. Your heart is your most vulnerable and strongest tool. To be exposed to grief, heartbreak, love, fury, and passion. Those are the most volatile state that your heart can be in.

What I want you to know is that, there is someone else on the internet, in this dark and scary place, that is rooting for you and for your successes, for your happiness and for your future. I actually congratulate you for not bottling it in. People deserve to be heard, no matter how small you feel. You will never be insignificant. Because after all, count me as 1 person who wish you a happy and content life. The only thing I beg from you, is to remain resilient. I’m very interested in your success.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wewillsee

regina falange @wewillsee

Thankyou for this!
God bless you.


I’m glad to have spoken with you. I will be here if you ever look for a conversation. I wish you the best and wish you a merry Christmas.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wewillsee

regina falange @wewillsee

I’m looking for it


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