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How to break off from an engagement i am not interested in ? I feel really really bad. Like killing myself.

7 replies

Shashidhar @shashidhar117

hey buddy, you there?
looks like you are forced into marriage, please confront your parents and sort out things. Better late than never. Talk with them and tell them what all you feeling.
Killing is not the solution for anything. Please grab some courage and confront in front of all.
More strength to you 💪


How, how do i do that ? How should i be brave and talk ? I am very intimidated by my family.


Dude, and parents are very clever, they ask us what they want but the only answer they want from us is the answer they need. They pressure indirectly and they indulge immediately in psychological warfare.

Shashidhar @shashidhar117

Yeah that’s true, family can be very intimidating.
But after series of the this events of marriage.
It’s you and your partner which you never wanted.
No family comes for you.
Better act asap.


Hey there’s no point in even thinking to kill yourself.
Just be honest with your partner and disclose it together to your family.
Explain him all the cons about marrying him where you aren’t interested in.
Neither of you are gonna be happy in this compromise.
Take your time and personally explain the partner of your.
And in the situation where he doesn’t gets you explain to your family.
I know it wont be easy but you have to take a step for yourself.
Take care <3


Well even I want to know that




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