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How soon is too soon to start a relationship… I know this girl for like now, one week? She is pretty, sweet… and we go to the same English speaking class together. She is not good in English, and it’s her broken English and her cuteness that’s what is making me fall for her! I want to spark a conversation with her, and maybe a relationship soon, but will it be too early to fall in love? What are the odds of being hurt and lonely again… Please help me with your thoughts… Maybe I will get some clarity

Profile picture for Now&Me member @thesadsoul
Profile picture for Now&Me member @chnrv
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @thesadsoul

Jazz @thesadsoul

Give it time… sometimes it’s just attraction… try being friends with her .know each other… may be she is already committed u don’t know right… just give it tym… spend tym nd then see where it goes

Profile picture for Now&Me member @chnrv

chnrv @chnrv

Bro is that English classes online?


Its good that you are thinking about it before taking any step. See if you like her, you can always start a conversation there’s no harm in it, just try to avoid thinking about relationship cuz maybe its just attraction.
I know right now you must be feeling that you really falling for her, just give it time buddy cuz mostly its attraction.
So try to start a conversation n who knows you guys wil become great frndz 🤗 goodluck!


Talk To her. get her know better.
Its never Too Early for anything nor too late.
Let your relationship grow. When you both are happy together with each other , ask her on a date.
I mean its no Harm in Knowing her for now.
But Dont straight forwardly go to her tell that you love her or like her. it will make you look stupid and desperate. you need to have patience.
Hope it works out for you.


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