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How much longer do I have to wait? That’s what I keep hearing about having a crush for so long. I’ve had feelings for my teacher for almost 8 years now and they’re worse now than when they started. I want it to end already. I want to stop missing him and stop reminiscing about when I could see him every day. It’s like craving a drug and having an itch I can’t scratch. That’s how badly I want to be around him.
I’ve “given it time” and stayed very far away from him. How many more years will it take? At this point, I don’t know if there will ever be a time where I feel absolutely nothing for this person.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kr_akhil
3 replies

When you’re away from them that’s when it will get over. But right now you could accept the fact that he’s not for you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kr_akhil

DR.SCORPIO @kr_akhil

No vmmnts

Em Sixty @tunaville

I know these feelings well. I remember those heart hops and pulse jumps. It takes time to come down but does happen.


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