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3am ThoughtsThought


How long should I wait to text her before I text her until she cools down, haven’t texted her since yesterday morning

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Nothing serious like I was on my way to my homie crib to link for awhile and he stay near her spot, omw there I get a call from my cousin and he was in a situation so I pulled over and talked him through it, when I pulled over I was parked down the street but around the corner from my girl crib, now the phone conversation took like an 1 hour and half so she drive pass like two times then the third time she pulled on me saying I was sitting outside her house 🤦🏾‍♂️ she been mad at me since then, saying she not fwm and stop texting her we go back and forth through texts for a little while but she doesn’t block me so I’m guessing she cooling off


Any advice?


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