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Fiona @fiona03

How long can a marriage last without physical intimacy?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ruskin
9 replies

Annonymous @roll_number_21

That’s totally depends on the both parties involved in that agreement.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ruskin

Ruskin @ruskin

the relation may survive but, not the spark in it

Fiona @fiona03

Is it ok to end it just for this reason? Or just carry on co existing in an amicable way?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ruskin

Ruskin @ruskin

If it is getting amicable, then sorry they are just playing the pretending game…but, the question is why?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ruskin

Ruskin @ruskin

Why can’t a problem be solved with some clear discussions?

Fiona @fiona03

Maybe because both of them have a habit of being with each other… Scared of any change…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ruskin

Ruskin @ruskin

if there’s a possibility of something getting better with a change…the risk should be taken

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Until the last breath if rhey are truly in love


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