Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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How is it that I always pay 100% attention to what people say but when I am doing the talking no one is interested. Even my best friend. When she is sharing her problems I listen. But when I’m saying something she is always distracted.
This sort of behavior has made me more conscious. I don’t usually feel like talking to anyone about my feelings because it doesn’t matter to them anyway

3 replies

Seems like u r more interested in her than she is in urs. Maybe just stop giving advice to her and see how it turns out. It could be one sided friendship. Or just explain to her what u r feeling, and still after that it remains the same, maybe distance urself from her.


So it means you are a good listener and your friends rely on you for good solutions . Find yourself a pair of good ears . It’s hard to find but eventually you will.


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