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How does one get over a crush, like Ik she’s way out of my league

16 replies

Renata @renataismyname

This will sound horrible, but time really helps. I’ve seen, with a bit of patience, the unforgettable be forgotten, and the essential be spared. (García Márquez, rough translation by me). I seem to always have a crush with the wrong man, and honestly distance and time are the only things that have helped. Putting some emotional distance was key (is key, I’m currently going through a very one sided crush). Hang in there, and accept that sometimes things happen without rime or reason. Btw, it sounds like you are putting yourself out of the race without even trying. Sure, it’s scary, but what if you succeed? If you definitely think she won’t reciprocate, put some distance between you, accept it and try to find joy in the special gifts everyone around you has to offer.


I am trying to overcome these feelings, I kinda always been unlucky in the area of romance and relationships…so having a low self-esteem with below average looks does not help at all, lol.


I dont know how much out of your league she is but give yourself some credit pls!!! i feel like you have a chance and confidence is key. work on yourself and figure out why you think shes out of your league. and also girls are absolute b words (coming from a girl who is an absolute b word.) but they find themselves liking even the nerdiest of boys as long as they treat her nice so get close to her and see how it goes. AND CONFIDENCE IS KEY BRUH.


She’s like super hot, with lots of friends and a badass attitude…and I’m, well ME!
Geeky, overweight, introvertive person so yh I don’t think I’m even miles near her circle


WHO CARES. even if you dont get a chance with her you deserve a crazy hot girlfriend. you need to have more faith in yourself or youre not getting anywhere in life. and if you dont feel comfortable or hot in your own skin try things that make you feel that way. maybe youll find yourself with someone you never thought youd be with in a million years. i was geeky. i was an introverted loser. I GOT BULLIED. now look where i am now. i got fed up with hating the way i am and i became the baddest… f*ck her. worry about you. shes not worth your time until you feel amazing.


I had a pretty unlucky life, so prbly that’s why I lost hope in everything and everyone. But your right, if I’m this miserable it’s even wrong of me to think about someone like this


if you think youre miserable whos to say other people dont… dont think these things of yourself or itll leak on to other people. i really have confidence in you and you should too.


Funny how you don’t even know me, and assume I have something in life😂


everyone does whos to say you dont


Aah, idk…I’m pretty pessimistic when it comes to my own life and the opposite in others


same haha


😂😂 Vibe check!


bruh shut up nobody needed ur input loser


im literally a hot girl what… stop assuming stuff. youre a brat and no one wants to hear ur selfish opinions…


bruh ur weird i bet all ur friends talk trash behind ur back lol hop off my line wit yo insecure self


nope ur just embarrassing urself im done with this convo


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