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how does it feel to have no friends and no one who might actually want you in their life while you keep putting in efforts to make those ppl whom you thought to be your “friends” feel happy … while all they make you feel is alone.

10 replies

Its emotionally wrenching…you start to question yourself if there is something wrong with yourself. And at times you go out of the way to try and win them only to get hurt much harder. If anyone know how to overcome this situation let me know.

Riz @riri93

atleast i do not. Wish i did, but what i have concluded is just do not let their evil-ness seep into u :)


After some time when you tried for so many times and fail, your loneliness will start eating you. Someday you will be forced to ask the question “is there something wrong with me?”. But alas i never got my answer still searching and struggling.

Riz @riri93

do not search i guess… better believe that u need to stop putting in efforts fr those mfs.


Dont be so over confident. Sooner of later it will happen. Just one year pandemic crushed peoples minds, imagine being alone and struggling for multiple years it’s bound to hit some time.Having said that, there are actually 2 kinds. First those who get accustomed to lonliness and others who can’t. Even those of the first kind time to time struggle.


Why do you feel so? Is it cz these friends already have their predefined circle? Or maybe your definition of effort may be different and they see it as something else? Connect to people on a personal level with your wavelength rather than making friends by doing something for them. I dunno …what do u think?

Riz @riri93

dude… i appreciate your efforts to think so much about where i might be going wrong… i think abt that as well…lol


Everyone has a certain way of thinking. So I thought maybe it’s the way my mind works (couldn’t pin point what exactly that tarit was) is not interesting to others or may rather boring or I might come across as something of a negetive vibe. Don’t know never understood so I thought may be an outlier and had relagted myself as a loner. Then recently a relative whose intellect and maturity I value had across and said I am not an outlier. So I really I can’t really make head or tail of it, other than that I am struggling being alone but not stopped trying. Hope this makes some sense.

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