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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio

:D @pratio

How do you try to exapnd yourself in life? Your skillset, way of thinking, to find new stuff that defines you better by doing it. How do you improve exactly!?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio
24 replies

I list down the qualities of a person I would ideally want to be. Pick them one by one. Research on how to master it and then practice it.


Yes. It doesn’t have to be something extraordinary. I learnt to do headstand after one month. It is a big deal to me because I struggled to balance myself 😅 It could be anything.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio

:D @pratio

Wow that’s great man!

How do you be consistent?


I’m not. That’s the interesting part. I don’t rush things just to check things off my list. If I don’t feel like practising something, I skip for a day. And I do something else that day. It could be even taking a nap. But then I get back on track after a day or two. Because I’m enjoying learning it.


I listen to Joe Rogan’s podcast (available on YouTube) watch documentaries and read books on different topics. Currently hooked on to psychology. It’s not like I do all of this at once. One thing at a time and it stays with me.


Hey man do you have sometime to takl ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio

:D @pratio

I like Psychology too. Although, haven’t read anything specific about it. We could talk about it if you don’t mind

And surely I’ll check out that podcast :)


Sure buddy. Tell me.


Who wouldn’t 😄 It’s so empowering when you see through people. Moreover you understand why you behave the way you do. It’s like you know the code to diffuse a bomb. Someone tries to play you but you see through them and dodge the bullet. It’s amusing to me in my head.


I want to start learning psychology so can you suggest me where to start ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio

:D @pratio

It is amusing! It also help ourselves understand the emotions we feel.




I found this one interesting. It’s about ego states. Made me realise how I acted like a child at times. 😂🤣 Now I call my own bluff out.


Totally! 😄


Also you can find audiobook on YouTube for
Joe Navarro’s book “What every BODY is saying”
This is more about reading the body language of people. Written by an Ex FBI agent.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio

:D @pratio

Wow this sounds so much interesting!

Wish we had our little “Psychology learning” club here 😂🥺


This website doesn’t have a feature of making group other wise we surely have made one

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio

:D @pratio

Yeah. Sed!


By exploring things more and more and more and by practicing the things you really wanted

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio

:D @pratio

How do you explore?


Ohk let’s talk about it
Are you a college student ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio

:D @pratio

It’s better if we connect and then talk🙃


Okay cool
I’m adding yoi


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