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How do you respond to a boss who yells unreasonably even when he knows you’re a good worker and keeps pushing you 🤷‍♀️
He never does it to the boys, only us 2 girls… he’s a Frenchman… I know they are male chauvinists 💣 (sorry for generalising)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
6 replies

You gotta stand up for yourself and start looking for a new job. Idk how explosive he is, but you and the other girl should cold shoulder the fuck out of him and refuse to do anything he says until he starts talking to you with respect. May loose your job, but jobs are a dime a dozen, you and your mental health are not. Don’t let anyone treat you less than you deserve.


Yea my company figured out I was about to resign so they sent me to another property to check it out and I e eventually got a promotion offered at both properties but I decided to stay because its more convenient to me…
Now I feel I made a bad decision.
I have considered speaking to the manager when he does it next time…
Normally I just retaliate and it escalates further…


Its a fair point… refuse to do anything until he speaks in a mellow tone…
He is not violent but he does talk rude and behave like a c**t sometimes…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Hey sorry to hear that. Is it an Indian company or aborad? Accordingly answers can be suggested. Also, is it a smaller company, u have hr?


I live overseas… we don’t have HR at the property… but I can always speak to the GM… which I intend on doing should matters become worse…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Okay please do and act accordingly…take care!


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