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Sakshi @hereforconvo

How do you make a decision as huge as moving abroad when you’re struggling with a lot of self esteem issues ?
How do you build up that confidence in you ?
It’s like an internal conflict within me , I know the opportunities out there are endless but a part of me would never be convinced to move away from family , friends , this country and all it has .
Not able to come to a conclusion !

5 replies

It’s because they want a good career 🙃 in India jobs are definitely good but you know they are all about marks marks marks( if you’re from India then you know our education system)

Sakshi @hereforconvo

Yeah I’m from India !
Definitely aware of how things are , specially if you’re into IT !
I understand all the cons of staying back , but I’m afraid I might not have the courage to move away .
Never been away from home and my parents are like dependent on me for a million little things . Also , my self esteem issues won’t let me be confident enough to go for it !

How does one get past all of that ?
Just scared to make an irreversible life decision when I’m still unsure about it :'(


Ahh I do get it (I’m not from it tho😅) see forget everything what do you want?(I know parents are important but after a few years you can make them shift with you)

Sakshi @hereforconvo

I will analyze all of it again and Will have an open conversation about it with them , Thankyou so much :)!


You’re welcome❤️ Just think as early as possible because we don’t know what tomorrow holds🙃 all the best for your future


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