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How do you know that you are in love

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia
2 replies

If you have feelings for a particular person for quite a long time and you like them for what they are not for how they look or some materialistic things then maybe it can be considered as love .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia


you just know, you can’t stop thinking about that person you imagine your future with them, everything changes it’s like even the most stupid things become so special when this person is around. You feel like you could do anything for them, their happiness is yours as well and it breaks you to see them struggling, you could give your own life for them, all you want is to see them smile. there’s nothing else you’d ever want. I can’t put it in words cuz it would take me a lot of unnecessary time explaining just how I feel being in love. But as someone who had never been in love before I have no doubts, I am right now cuz this feels like nothing I’ve ever had with anyone before. The moment you can cry just bc they exist, the moment their existence can get you out of the worst moments of your life bc they just make you feel so happy, you can’t stop smiling it’s not something that can be explained but when you are you know, you just want to say β€œI love you” and you mean every single letter and every single word. You might discover a part of you you didn’t even know you had, that you are able to feel so much love till the point that you could risk anything and ur life included for them bc you love them.


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