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How do you get a guy who you met online through your friend to stop texting you?
I’m not interested, but he seems really desperate to get a gf. I find him kind of weird and I want to stop talking to him but in a nice way that wouldn’t come off rude.

7 replies

There’s this option called block. Try it.


I can’t block him cuz he’ll ask my friend why I blocked him and that would just be awkward.


Didn’t think it was as easy as that… thanks!


Ghost him. Don’t reply for hours and when you finally do keep the replies short until you just kinda stop replying. Or lol u can do it the mature way and tell him. It might hurt him but it’s kinda better than playing games.


take your stand
start giving late replies
and you can say that you’re not interested ones in a while this would do good


Thiss! Or just stop responding for a day or two and if they text u again say ur busy


Be honest, tell him that you don’t like him and that you don’t want to take his time anymore…


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