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How do you find out your passion. I feel like i can start doing anything that makes money but that’s not what makes me happy in long run.

I see people sorted out in their teens and i’m still so confused if should switch careers or continue making money and retire early or how should i live my life to the fullest?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyakaurbajaj
5 replies

Subramaniam KS @gestalt110...


Hi. In regarding to your post, I would like to share some thoughts about it. I attended a program in 1 conference, and this program gave me some insight what career to preferably pursue. Now I am kind of settled in my career and happy with my career. I would like to share a free online link, where it will lead into 64 questions. Just click that and submit. It is called Myers-Briggs personality test. There are 16 type of personalities and you will end up being 1 among them, and it will lead you to the preferable courses you can study and preferable career. Answer those questions as honestly as possible. Save those results in a microsoft word and you can refer now and then to see the results. All this is free and no cost. THESE ARE GUIDELINES AND NOT GUARANTEED DIRECTIONS. Take time to think and process about those results. See if it matches something of your personality, and if it matches, take some action. If it does not match, let it just be a curious and fun exercise about yourself. Give me a feedback if it gives some insight to you. Wishing you good luck.

P.S: If possible, spend some time in studying about Myers-Briggs personality types in internet.

Subramaniam KS @gestalt110...


Hi. In regarding to your post, I would like to share some thoughts about it. I attended a program in 1 conference, and this program gave me some insight what career to preferably pursue. Now I am kind of settled in my career and happy with my career. I would like to share a free online link, where it will lead into 64 questions. Just click that and submit. It is called Myers-Briggs personality test. There are 16 type of personalities and you will end up being 1 among them, and it will lead you to the preferable courses you can study and preferable career. Answer those questions as honestly as possible. Save those results in a microsoft word and you can refer now and then to see the results. All this is free and no cost. THESE ARE GUIDELINES AND NOT GUARANTEED DIRECTIONS. Take time to think and process about those results. See if it matches something of your personality, and if it matches, take some action. If it does not match, let it just be a curious and fun exercise about yourself. Give me a feedback if it gives some insight to you. Wishing you good luck.

P.S: If possible, spend some time in studying about Myers-Briggs personality types in internet.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyakaurbajaj

Piya @piyakaurbajaj


Trust me, no one is every clearly sought out. I am a firm believer that if you follow your passion, money and success make their way to you.It might take a while but I believe that it eventually will. To find your passion, try doing new things that attract you. Learn a new skill, pursue a new course and a new hobby. Explore and find what speaks to you, what inspires you. Follow your heart and do what you love, everything else will fall in place.

Hearty @hearty


If you need and education or career advice plz dm i m a education counselor from a reputed company.


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