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How do you actually play hard to get like reallly really hard… cause Im in a situationship and I want this man so much but hes still not emotionally over his ex and I really want him to chase me I know this might sound toxic or whatver but I want him to want me!

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Going through the same. Just because I want him, I chase when the actions are not reciprocated. When someone opens their arms and I get into those because I want that person too.
When someone shows little gestures of love, cares for me a little, showers me with a little admiration, I fall for those little things that I dont deserve. I know I deserve more and I should be playing hard to get but I can’t. I just keep melting and because of the little things that they do I keep falling for them even when it was hurting me. I need help


Same situation here, I think its love sometimes I think it’s just that am falling too easily for people who even cares for me a little bit. I can say am in a situation ship too, and my so called BF is not over his ex, he still loves her and am finding ways so that he can have some feelings for me but the thing us he is so kuch into his past…I dont know what to do.

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Same thing
I fall for people too easily even when don’t deserve the efforts that make for them.
I am truly confused between love and attachment honestly.
If someone can understand the working of our brain and the ways it responds to emotions, makes things easier. By this, I mean forming attachments and detaching from people


Yeah, I think its love but it’s not, it’s just that when they show some care and interest in us we fell for them. And if the next say another person comes I will definitely fell for him too,for me its because I lacked care and love in my life so may be that’s why I get attached to them easily.


Damon, we both are going through the same. You summarised everything about me as well


Honestly, ignoring them works. Maybe, try staying like a mystery. Do not tell them everything shuru mai hi. Let them feel curious, do not hesitate to ignore their texts for hours. But do shower them with attention when you reply. But don’t overdo it. Basically, keep it subtle. Don’t make it look like you want him. Always works.

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