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How do people have multiple friend groups with like 8 ppl in every group. I have like 8 friends in total lmaooo

13 replies

Bless you! You have 8 i barely have 2 lol


I don’t have any group which consist more than 2 people 😂…one is me n other is my best friend


Different interests and hobbies. Let’s say one is your sports group or a club group or movie group or gym group. Plus group size varies. 8 per group is big ,it will get small. Also this is possible till college, once you get a job and you start settling, number of people around you decrease. Ive seen it happen with so many people and it would be true for me too.
Quality over quantity. You should focus on that


This is really smart and it makes so much sense


It’s just observation. If you have folks around your house elder than you, ask them. My elder brother is one hell of a lucky guy, he had his group throughout schooling, college and they work in the same city , so he got to maintain that group. It isn’t possible generally .

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Wow that is so smooth omg😭😂

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