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3am ThoughtsThought


How do long distance relationship work? When you both have different time zones, different religions, different lifestyles, different mind sets , different pov!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kush_v_07
Profile picture for Now&Me member @hitaishi
Profile picture for Now&Me member @harmanpreet_kaur
7 replies



It doesn’t



Profile picture for Now&Me member @kush_v_07

Kush @kush_v_07

Get out of delusion it won’t work


It depends.
I am in a long distance relationship myself.
And honestly it’s the best thing.
I mean yeah it would be much more better if we were together short distance main…
But since we don’t have the situations in our hand … I’d say long distance relationship is just awesome until you both have good understanding and trust on each other.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hitaishi

Hitaishi @hitaishi

Commitment towards each other and communication!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @harmanpreet_kaur

Harmanpreet K. @harmanpree...

Love doesn’t has any boundaries no religion or caste. It has no language. It only feels the soul connection. Yeah, I can understand the scenario of the long distance relationship, it is just that you need to keep in constant touch with each other and understand that it is just a phase and “it shall too pass.”


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