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Body DysmorphiaThought

anonymous bb @hazel17

How do I stop myself from eating and loose weight
PS- don’t care if it’s healthy or not just need a solution

Profile picture for Now&Me member @farhanshaikh
6 replies

Don’t eat junk food too much just do jogging and walking everyday * walking before sleeping or after eating… It help me :^)

anonymous bb @hazel17

I literally walk for 1 hour each before and after eating anything


Give your body time then don’t force on it… You will always look good the way you are

Profile picture for Now&Me member @farhanshaikh

leo @farhanshaikh

Be more active
Count steps
Not just jogging try to keep yourself busy physically
It will help alot
I tried it myself


Don’t harm yourself trying to loose weight. Even if you want to change something about your appearance, its not worth it to risk your own health. Do not stop eating, it so easy to develop an ED and its so hard to get out of it. What you could do, is look for a way to be your healthiest self. Eating healthy food and doing sports, drinking enough water, things like that


Yah he’s right


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