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How do I stop loving someone or stop missing someone… I know he will never understand me no matter how much I try… he stopped loving me… because I couldn’t change my personality and my entire self as per his choice… a few years back, when we cam in relationship… he wanted to change my dressing style, and everything… even my way of walking… I was so madly in love that I agreed to all of it, but with time I realized that I was not happy, although I still loved him.
I know that even after so much efforts to be his favorite, he stopped loving me one day… I just don’t know how to put my thoughts into words. I just want to stop loving him… and start loving myself now. live my life on my own terms… I just need to figure out the HOW maybe

7 replies

Just give it time, you’ll heal. All you can do right now is distract yourself and focus on other things. And hon, it’s his loss if he wanted to change you to love you. That’s not love, that’s manipulation. Love blinds you sometimes and you do some things that at the time, makes the other person happy, but not you. I’m sure you’re great just the way you are,and someday the right person will love you for who you are and just the way u are. The most important thing now is to accept the fact that this boy was not worth it. No boy is worth changing yourself for !
The road to self love is not easy after all that has happened with you, but you’ll get there eventually. Just believe in yourself,and talk here whenever you want 💗


Hey, thank you so much… Maybe I really needed this reassurance. i feel so vulnerable right now, putting all these emotions in front of you all. Believe me, it has been months since I have had any friends. I only had work colleagues, that too very limited. He never let me made friends, and I was so blind and foolish that I considered all of that as his way of showing love. Now that I look back and think… maybe, it was my fault too that I gave him so much authority on my life.


This happened to me last year in September. Today I am over from that guy and I am happy, when you start giving yourself priority over anything else and stop relying on someone you will heal yourself. And trust me this will happen with you too.
Be with someone who values you and appreciate your little efforts, if you accept this you are moving towards self growth and self love. Good luck✨❤


Thank you so much for this, :') really gives me hope when I see others overcoming this dreaded feeling… I am really working hard to love myself and prioritize myself… it will take me some time, but I won’t give up… now every time I feel burdened with his memories and the breakup… I just say to myself that good things are coming my way… so thank you so much for this.


Your most welcome dear
Stay strong and happy✨


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