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Long Distance RelationshipThought


How do I know if a guy is not interested in me. I like a guy and he said he likes me too, but sometimes he acts like he doesn’t while sometimes he acts like he does. I don’t want to get to attached in my feelings in case he lied… What should I do?

4 replies

Consistency is the key. If he really likes you, he should show it to you. You dont deserve a half-arsed feelings.


Thank you so much


The best thing is to talk about it and make the way clear . I know it’s hard because I’ve been in the same situation . The only mistake I made is I never talk about my confusions in the relationship and it made everything terrible .


How do I talk to him without coming off pushy. Like I’ve asked him before recently if he still likes me and he said yes. But he sometimes doesn’t act like it, while sometimes he does. So how do I ask him?


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