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Emotional AbuseThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iwishihadafriend

How do I keep my insanity? I’m sick and tired of living with my codependent narssicist gaslighting bitch mother. I wish I would have some alone time with myself but no I can’t because this bitch follows me every where, blames me for the wrong things. I don’t really have someone to talk too about my mental problems since I’ve been stuck with this bitch. I love her and all but I can’t anymore. I’ve been considering to end my existence, I mean whats the point of life if your being controlled?. Thank you for listening… I don’t really have someone to talk to.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iwishihadafriend
5 replies

My advice just confront ( not in an angry manner, but in a more calm way ) her about how the way you feel… I don’t know if it’ll make it any better but at least I hope that she’ll try to understand you


I had been there! And I had these thoughts of ending my existence too. What really helps is when you move out from her and live your own separate life. You do need space for yourself (not only physical, some space in talking to her too. You don’t have to stop but you have a right to have some personal space).
About the thoughts. It’s not just her or you. You should definitely go to a professional doctor and talk about it eventually, because there are some problems in life when we just can help ourselves. Talk about your life, in general, and about her in your life. I know how this control thing can drive you nuts. But don’t dive into these existential feelings, it doesn’t solve anything. And believe me, you will feel very different and way more happier when you start solving the problem with the relationship with your mother, probably (and I advise) with a professional. Maybe read some books, blogs, YouTube videos, it really can help you to change the way you treat the problem with relationships.
One thing we should understand, is that we cannot change people (they change of they want, but we cannot do anything about it). So it’s most likely that your mother will not change. But it is up to you to change your thoughts, your attitude and your actions. It is only your life, not hers or anyone’s else. And I think you should chose to be happy. Everything will get better, don’t worry 🙂

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iwishihadafriend

Thank you for your full understanding… and Thank as well for your advice I know it’s the only way… Thank you 💓


I exactly know what you’re going though, I’ve been going through this since I was 12 and now I’m 18 and can’t deal with it. Whenever I confront she says that its her house, her rules and I should leave,so I left a lot of times and I was brought back, ofc not by her. She accuses me of everything and I don’t know what to do, I question my existence every time and feel sorry for breathing everyday. She calls me a bastard, hooker, she abuses me both mentally and physically and no one helps me or does anything. She is ruining my life from the very beginning

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iwishihadafriend

I’m sorry if you feel that way as well…


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