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Profile picture for Now&Me member @diane_enaid

Diane @diane_enaid

how do i get rid of a toxic friendship without hurting anyone (including me)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @uday95577
Profile picture for Now&Me member @diane_enaid
5 replies

fuck that gonna be hard
but you’ll get over it eventually.

MM @monkeymind

We can’t make everyone happy… 🙃
If it’s toxic for you… Then just leave them.

Stop texting
Stop hanging with them

Just avoid them… Don’t say a word to them… Just slowly move out of their lives… 🌚


If it’s really toxic , u r not hurting anyone

Profile picture for Now&Me member @uday95577

uday gupta @uday95577

Avoid chatting with that person…
Bcz if its toxic and its hurting you then you should not continue that relation bcz when you will do it in future you will have a feeling of regression and you will feel more pain… And if you want to do it then just avoid chatting with that person and try to understand yourself and focus on something new which makes you happy


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