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How do I fight the feeling of procrastination? I have huge load of work and deadlines , but my mind just does not want to engage. how do I put myself to finish my commitments? For a last one week, I am getting up sad, going to bed sad, and with guilt that I am not fulfilling my tasks. I even had taken a nice trip this weekend but after returning, I have become very very depressed by routine life and pending work.
how do I motivate myself to get up and do my work?

5 replies

I think I answered a similar kind of question few weeks ago. When procrastination hits I usually follow the 5 second rule. put away your phone and sit and start working on your project for 5 seconds because once you touch your work the flow should come to you naturally. Try it.


I feel my mind closing and just go off to sleep once I know I have to do this. I get stressed thinking about the task I have to do next.


I feel like you are just thinking and not doing. Try to sit in your study space and hold a pen and start with writing the topic. Let’s try that first without any excuses, okay? you can do this!


try putting on headphones with some energetic music n then push urself to just start with work, without planning without thinking… for once just do it.
It works for me hope it works for you too.


It is absolutely normal to procrastinate. Remember to not make yourself feel harsh while in this process. The best way you can adopt is to study for a maximum of 20 minutes at stretch and then take a break in the fresh air outside.
You will be able to complete a bit of work and nature would actually pump you to continue with more.


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